A 59 year old man delivered from addictive behaviors. I have been a believer most of my life. However my view of what was expected of me as a believer fell woefully short of what Yahweh intended for us as children. Then a few years back due to some very tying circumstances, I found myself desiring a much closer walk with Yahshua. I realized at that point that my faith and beliefs were very shallow. I was then drawn into a deeper study of scripture and a more dedicated prayer life. When this occurred I found that there were issues in my life that were too powerful to resolve by just study and general prayer. I struggled with unclean thoughts and addictive behaviors that I felt would never be resolved. I thought that this is just the way things were, and I could not change. Then a few months ago my son talked to me about spiritual warfare and deliverance. I was very skeptical. He began the process by doing the Renunciations (Eight prayers). After his first session of deliverance, by the Assembly of Yah, I saw a great change in his countenance. This change in my own son intrigued me. After I began to talk to him about it, I began to realize that Satan and his demons have the ability to influence our lives due to this society and ancestral programming of sin and rebellion toward Yahweh and His covenant. This was something I had not fully understood before. The Spiritual Warfare Seminar from the Assembly of Yah taught me a great deal about all this. I was shocked! I began to consider these things as I thought about the areas of my life in which I had been defeated. Yahweh had placed in me a deep yearning to walk in purity and I knew that coming to know and deeply understand the ability of Satan to influence our lives made deliverance a must! With all my being, I wanted to bring praise and honor to Yahweh through Yahshua Messiah living in me. Since being delivered from the hold that Satan and his demons had on me, I now am able to experience the real freedom and peace that Yahweh has promised through his word. Yahshua Himself lead, instructed, comforted and empowered me to do His will and receive His promise of deliverance from darkness. My walk now is much closer and my awareness of the enemy's suggestions are clearer and the drive to eliminate their influence is my life is resolute. I praise Yahweh and Yahshua for the avenue of deliverance. I pray that all believers come to see the need and the beauty of it's outcome.